Home School Child Expectations
Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre believes that the successful education of children is brought about by parents, staff and children working in partnership.
School will:
- Provide a caring ethos with high expectations for work and behaviour
- Keep safe and supervise your child whilst on school premises and on school excursions
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum
- Signpost families to additional multi-agency support
- Provide the opportunity for your child to achieve success through academic, creative, social or personal activities and develop at an individual rate of learning
- Model respect by being respectful to your child
- Deal promptly and effectively with incidents involving your child
- Mark and assess your child’s work regularly
- Report on the progress of your child
- Provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment to meet the needs of your child
- Welcome parents into the life of the school and keep you informed about general school matters through meetings and newsletters.
- Listen to and support your children socially and emotionally
Our Parent Support Advisor will:
- Be one of your first points of contact for any problems or concerns
- Support you in a confidential and non-judgemental manner
- Support you with your child’s attendance, behaviour or attainment
- Signpost you to appropriate agencies for you to gain maximum support
- Work closely with outside agencies, schools and parents to support your family's needs
- Visit you in your home if you would prefer
As a child at Kings Oak I will:
- Follow our Golden Rules
We are gentle.
We are honest.
We are kind and respect others.
We are ready to learn and do our best.
We look after our school environment.
- Show a positive attitude to learning
- Be punctual and attend daily
- Take responsibility for my own actions
- Wear my school uniform with pride
- Take responsibility for my equipment e.g. P.E. kit
- Read at home and talk to my family about what I am doing at school
- Tell a member of staff if I am unhappy
- Enjoy and achieve
- Show respect to our peers and to staff
- Make a positive contribution to Kings Oak
As a Parent/Carer I will:
- Ensure my child attends school regularly and punctually
- Inform school promptly if my child is absent
- Inform school promptly of any concerns or problems
- Ensure my child wears the school code of dress
- Encourage my child to behave well and to follow the Golden Rules
- Encourage my child to take care of property and surroundings
- Encourage my child to be a good citizen in the outside world
- Help and encourage my child with his/her homework task such as reading, spelling, number bonds, tables, finding out information
- Be respectful and courteous whilst on school grounds or speaking to members of staff
- Attend parents’ meetings to discuss my child’s progress
- Work with multi-agencies as required
- Avoid family holidays in term time, especially in SATS years (Years 2 and 6)
- Follow school guidance on payment of school meals so not to incur debt