Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. Foundation Stage News
  3. ***FS1 Early Literacy Event***

***FS1 Early Literacy Event***

5 February 2025 (by David Lovatt (d.lovatt))

Dear Parents / Carers,

We can’t believe how quickly this half term has gone by and we are now only a week away from our Early Literacy Parent event next Thursday (13th February)! We would love to welcome you to come and find out how we learn to read and write at school alongside your child. As part of this session, you will be able to take part in activities alongside your children which will showcase the development of reading and writing in FS1. You will learn about how progression for writing begins well before the children start holding a pencil and how we encourage the development of gross and fine motor skills through carefully planned activities and interventions. This session will really help you understand how children learn to read and write and will help to support you with learning at home! As always access to our Early Literacy Parent event will be via the Nursery gate and access will be from the Wells Lane (Car Park) side of school only. The times below are when the event will begin for each group, please arrive on time so the session isn’t interrupted!

Morning only FS1 children – 10:45am

Afternoon only FS1 children + 30 hours FS1 children – 2:30pm

Our parent events are always well attended so please let a member of FS1 staff know who will be coming to learn alongside your child!

Thank you for your continued support,

Foundation Stage 1 Team