Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. School News


3 September 2024 (by Joanne Swift (j.swift))

We would like to confirm PE Days for this school year;

Year 1 – Tuesdays

Year 2 – Mondays

Year 3 – Thursdays

Year 4 -Fridays

Year 5 – Wednesdays

Year 6 - Wednesdays 

Children are encouraged to come to school wearing their P.E. kits.  This should comprise of their house t-shirt, a black tracksuit or joggers / leggings and trainers. With this in mind, they do not need to leave their kits in school all week.

THIS WEEK: Children in Year 6 are encouraged to come to school tomorrow wearing their PE kit as they will be doing sports in the afternoon. Please can we also ask that children in year 3 come to school in their PE Kit on Thursday and Year 4 on Friday. 

We will be handing out new PE tops to each child tomorrow. Please be aware the house colour your child has been assigned will remain the same all the way through school.

This will mean that your child now has two PE t-shirts. We ask that when their original shirt is getting too small but if it's still in good condition, we would really appreciate them being brought into school so these can be kept as spares if any child ever forgets their PE kit.

Thank you.