Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. School News


3 September 2024 (by Jade Taylor (JadeT))

We hope everyone has had an amazing summer break and we are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school tomorrow. 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre operates a strict NO DEBT policy in relation to school meals and breakfast club.

Therefore, we ask that if you know your child will be having dinners and/or attending breakfast club, you top up your child’s account using school gateway prior to returning to school tomorrow to ensure all accounts are in credit and meals paid for in advance. 

Please be reminded the school meal price has increased and will be £2.75 per meal/ £13.75 per week. Breakfast club is  charged at £2.00 per day. Where some parents have previously been allowed to fall three or four meals behind on payments, moving forwards, this will not be allowed.

We look forward to school reopening tomorrow.

Thank you