LAST DAY OF TERM - MONDAY 22ND JULY 202419 July 2024 (by Jade Taylor (JadeT)) |
Teachers have planned a fun day on the last day of term, the children in years 1 to 5 are invited to bring a toy in to school. This does not include electronics (iPads, phones, etc.).
Children who choose to bring in toys from home need to understand that they are responsible for bringing back all the pieces (e.g. Lego sets) and taking care of their belongings. Please do not allow your child to bring in anything that is precious or sentimental as we would hate for it to get accidentally damaged or lost.
This does not include FS1, FS2 and year 6 as they have already got other activities planned.
Children in Year 6 are allowed to wear/ bring a polo shirt for each other to sign to keep as a memory. Please send your child with an additional shirt as they usually get full up quite quickly.
All children are invited to come to school wearing non -uniform.
Thank you