Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. Foundation Stage News
  3. FS2 PE - Starting next week

FS2 PE - Starting next week

8 January 2024 (by David Lovatt (d.lovatt))

Dear Parents and Carers,

As of next week (15.01.24) we will be doing PE sessions with Foundation Stage 2 (Reception) children in the hall for an hour per week. Mr Lovatt's PE session will be on a Monday morning and Miss Pearce's session will be on a Friday morning. On these days your child will need to come to school in their PE kit but must bring a uniform to change into afterwards in their bag.

The PE kit required for this term will be the coloured T-shirt they were given earlier this year and a pair of shorts or jogging bottoms. The children do PE barefooted in the hall so no pumps or shoes are required.

If you have any questions please speak to a member of staff at pick up or drop off time,

Thanks for your support,

Foundation Stage Team