Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. School News


14 December 2023 (by Jade Taylor (JadeT))

Tomorrow, Friday 15th December, is Christmas Jumper Day in school, we invite children to come to school wearing their Christmas jumpers with their school uniform. 

Monday 18th December- Mr Lovatt's class and Afternoon Nursery Christmas Performance at 1.45pm

Tuesday 19th December - Miss Pearce's class and Morning Nursery Christmas Performance at 10.45am

Wednesday 20th December:   Year 3/4/5/6 Christmas Carol Concert at St Mary’s Church at 10.00am. Tickets are not required but we would appreciate donations on the church collection plate on the day.

Also on Wednesday 20th December, Reception, Year 2 & Year 4 & Year 6 have their Christmas lunch and Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 children will have party food

On Thursday 21st December Reception, Year 2 & Year 4 & Year 6 have their party food and Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 children will have Christmas lunch

Please note that these will be the only meals served on these two dates, so you must send a packed lunch if you do not want to take up these options. 

Friday 22nd December – last day of term:  Non-uniform day.  Children can wear their Christmas Jumper or party clothes

Thank you