Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'

  1. News
  2. School News


4 July 2023 (by Joanne Swift (j.swift))

We have received several enquiries this week about uniform for September.  Some of you are speculating that we are joining an academy trust and that they are changing our uniform. This is not the case.

Firstly, we can tell you that we are in conversations with the DFE and local authority as we are considering joining a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).  We are doing our due diligence to be sure that we are making the best decision for all stakeholders – the staff, the community and most importantly, the children.  The consultation process will begin shortly and you will be given more information and invited to meet with the CEO of the trust to pose any questions and discuss any concerns.  We can guarantee that our uniform will remain our uniform and that there will be no changes to our school colours.

We did however announce last week that our P.E. t-shirt would be changing.  Following conversations with our fabulous PTA, they have agreed to purchase every child in school a new P.E. polo shirt for September.  These will be distributed on the first day back after the holidays.  The t-shirts have been purchased in four colours and will represent school houses. 

More details will follow shortly.