Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

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Wells Lane off Bondfield Close, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 8TX

01226 272740

Kings Oak Primary Learning Centre

'Learning for Life'



Here at Kings Oak we value the teaching of science and scientific enquiry. We recognise the importance of using the skills and knowledge acquired through the good teaching of science in order for children to adapt to this ever-changing world.

Science at Kings Oak aims to provide children with fun, engaging and challenging lessons, which in turn spark curiosity and excitement for our young scientists. Good science teaching enables children to gain the skills, knowledge and understanding about the world they live in so they can go on to apply outside of the school gates and in their everyday life. Through the use of challenging key terminology, we aim to widen children’s scientific language for them to apply this confidently to the world they observe each and every day.

Through our teaching, we aim to generate awe and wonder and hope to inspire our young scientists to become experts in enquiry. Our lessons provide children with the opportunity to practise key skills such as: asking questions, making predictions, observing and measuring, recording data, and evaluating.  Working scientifically is at the core of our programme of study and we give children the opportunity to question and explore what is happening in our world (and beyond) around them.

Curriculum Overview 

Animals Including Humans


Forces and Magnets

Living Thing and their Habitats
